Monday, November 11, 2013

In Remission!

Yes, I am finally in remission! I am sorry I haven't updated this sooner because I have been in remission for a few weeks now. But I did get the best news that any cancer patient could get! I still have to get monthly check ups for awhile but I have to say being in remission feels like a huge pressure off my shoulders. I just want to thank all of my supporters and an extra big thank you/hug to my mom, dad, and Mel for always being there with me through the whole thing. I can't thank everyone enough!  

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Update from the last few weeks


I know I haven't posted in awhile, I have been trying to get back to 'normal'.

Last thing I posted was that I had to have a PET scan. Well I had that, it wasn't fun. I had to sit with my arms above my head for about 40 mins and the pillow fell down after about 15 mins. We waited a week then went to the doctor. The PET scan showed some activity. A little crescent shape in the top of the biggest lymph node showed activity. They are unsure if this is simply showing the lymph node healing or if it is still cancer.

So my Doctor spoke to Dr Einhorn (, he is apperently the go-to guy when it comes to testicular cancer. He asked for everything to be sent up to him for him analyse. He thinks that the next step will be an operation but before we rush into a serious operation we are hoping to do another PET scan. Apparently the insurance company doesn't like paying for more the one P.E.T. scan over a set period time, but we could fight the insurance for this next scan. Or we pay for it out of pocket. Either way we still have to wait a month for that.

Ah, I forgot to mention that this surgery to remove the lymph nodes is super risky and it can damage nerve ends and guess which ones? Yep the ones that control my penis.. Wooo. This operation is tricky that we would have to travel to Indianapolis, Indiana to get it done. Its still a waiting game. I was so mad after this doctors visit.  I was incredibly mad after the last doctors visit. I just didn't expect or was ready for the "I don't know" results.

We went back again today, and once again nothing. I guess we will be going back again next week.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Update 8/8 and 8/11

Well I haven't post on here in a long time but we have been busy. A lot has happened though. Mel and I went on vacation to New Orleans. It was so much fun! We did a fair bit of stuff there but the biggest thing that happened is when we had stopped in Mobile for 2 nights on the way back. On the 2nd night we went to a restaurant that was way to fancy for us. We stayed anyways though, and sat behind these really nice couple. We got to talking with them and somehow got onto the topic of cancer. The ladies dad had survived it and they actually ended up paying for our meal. They where that touched by our story. It just nice to know that there are still amazing people that are willing to do something nice for total strangers.

 Today we found out about the scans that I had this past Monday. And the scans showed that the cancer in my lymph nodes has gone down a lot. Unfortunately they weren't small enough to say that the treatment worked. It was close though and because of that I am having to so through another scan next Thursday. Its going to be a P.E.T. scan and we found out the results the following Wednesday. So its not good news but not terrible news either.

Now I realize this isn't 8/8 anymore. Its 8/11 and I just forgot about this. I thought I had published it but didn't really get to it. Anyways we have been busy since the 8th clean the house and getting it ready to sell. We already have a family interested (they actually contacted us before we even thought about putting it on the market.) Also tomorrow is my birthday! So today we had a little get together with my family and family friends at my uncles house for my birthday. It was also suppose to be a family cancer free party but we hadn't gotten that good news yet. (And I still hope to have a cancer free party with all of my fraternity brothers and friends! Just need to get the good news first)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Update 7/21

Sorry I haven't update the blog in a while. Everything has been going good. Last week I had to go to different doctor's every day (well, just 3 different doctors) for check-up's last week. I'm happy to report that they all said I was fine.

I just can't wait for the week of August 5th to come around, I get my scan on the 5th and the result on the 8th. Then we can hopefully get the "All Clear". My immune system is finally back to a level where I am able to be social. I'm still very tired but I don't have to be so paranoid about been sneezed on.

I was so happy I was finally able to get out of the house. Last night we went over to our family friends from Sweden's house. They moved in about a 3 weeks ago. They made Bosnian food and it was delicious. It was also lovely to see my aunt and uncle. Mel already had plans so she couldn't join us but we are going on a date night tonight :).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Doctors Appointment 7/15

Well today we went to go see Dr. Freeman today and found out that we have to wait a month to do my first scan to see if the chemo worked or not. Which sucks but we got it scheduled for the 5th of August and then we see the doctor on the 8th to find out the results of the scan. Not going to lie I'm a little bummed that I have to wait that long but the doctor said that was the only way to get accurate results. Also I found out that I am going to have to go back and get a scan done and see the doctor every month for the next 12 months. Which I didn't realize I would have to do but its the only way to make sure it really worked.

Also this was suppose to be posted yesterday but my internet decided to stop working when I wanted to post it and didn't start working again until the morning. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just an update

Hey, Its Mel

David's been really tired and hasn't really had anything to write about, tomorrow we go and see Dr Freedman and then we can plan when he will get a scan etc. We will keep you updated as soon as we know :).

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday 7/12

Well its been two days since my last day of chemo and I have been tired. I haven't been able to do anything either because my immune system is down. So I have just been sitting around my house going a little crazy. And I'm still incredibly tired by the end of the day. Hopefully by Monday I won't feel so drained and my immune system will be back up.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


So today was my last day of chemotherapy and it feels great to be done. Even though I threw up twice at the  chemo room. We think that was because of a mixture of nerves and excitement. Other then that today hasn't been to bad. Just been really tired and feeling a bit drained. Also found out that my white blood cells are really low. So I can't really do anything for a while which is fairly annoying. Oh well, I can't wait until we get these scans scheduled so I can find out if all of this chemo worked. Until then I am just hanging out at home.

Monday, July 08, 2013

My Weekend after the 4th of July

I haven't posted anything since the 4th of July because I have been feeling really good and we have been busyish. On Friday (July 5th) we took our family friends from Sweden kids to the movies. To get them out of the house so their parents can get things set up in their new house. Afterwards we went over and had dinner with our close friends and ended up watching a movie with them too. Over all it was a great day.

On Saturday (July 6th) it was great because we did nothing all day long. Just sat on the couch and watched tv. Just my beautiful Mel and me. And that night we went over to our friends Ben's house for his birthday party. We had an amazing time there. 

Sunday (July 7th) was a fairly easy day. All we did was go home. We took our time going back and just relaxed some more when we did get home. 

Today Monday (July 8th) was my Aunts birthday so we went over to their house for dinner. Its really all we did today. 

Thursday, July 04, 2013

4th of July

Happy Independents Day everyone. Today has been a good day. We went over to my uncles house to start off our celebrations. There we also saw some friends from Sweden that we haven't seen in a long time and just enjoyed spending time with my family. Had some great food there too. Afterwards we went over to some friends house and hung out with them. We played a few games and shot off a few fire works, just having a good time. Now I'm watching TV with my amazing Mel enjoying the rest of evening.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

20th Day of Chemo

Well today was my next to last treatment. Next week will be my last and I can't wait. But anyways my day started off late last night really. I had woken up with diarrhea and puking my guts out. We think that I tried to eat to rich of foods to fast. So this morning I wasn't feeling the best. But the chemo session went like normal even though I threw up at the end of it. Its taken all day but I'm finally feeling better. I hope I am still feeling good for the 4th of July!

Monday, July 01, 2013

Week 9 Monday

Today was a fairly good day. I have been feeling very tired all day though. All day I have just had waves where I feel just incredibly drained. But I did get out a little bit today with my beautiful Mel. We just went to hobby lobby but it was still good get out. So I don't really have much to say today. Just been tired, went to hobby lobby, and bumped into some friends at Walmart. That's about it.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 8 Sunday

Hey, its Mel.

David is much better today, just forgot to write his blog before bed. He's happier and moving about but has waves of nausea and general badness, but he's managed to eat and not vomit all day!

On a separate note, I made barbecue today, I think I am officially southern now.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Week 8 Saturday

Well I'm back writing my own post now. I can't even explain how bad I have been feeling but the good news is that towards the end of the day I have been feeling much better. I'm just happy I don't have to do another week long sessions of chemo. Just two more weeks though and I will be done with this whole thing. I can't wait!

Friday, June 28, 2013

19th Day of Chemo

Its Mel again!

This week is finally over. I am sure that David and I have both wanted to kill each other at one point, but now we can relax and enjoy the weekend. For David today has been quite eventful, he lost 8 lbs since yesterday and vomited a lot. He feels like shit, end of. This has been his worst day. He has been sleeping a lot and is not the best company. Hopefully by Monday he will be feeling better once all the chemo is out of his body.

Its been a pretty hysterical day for me, but then again I have completely lost my blob. To quote Carol (David's awesome Mom). "Maybe you should write childrens books" Me, (using a lint roller on my face) "ITS NOT WORKING"!! Carol "Mel, I'm serious you need to put this ADD to good use".

I did some crafting today, tomorrow I will do some crafting and hopefully find my blob.

Love you all!


Fact of the Day:


Thursday, June 27, 2013

18th Day of Chemo

Hey, Its Mel.

David feeling really crappy today, he vomited twice and is having an early night. He asked me to write his blog for today but there isn't really anything to say except his feels crappy but will feel better tomorrow once he has had some steroids.

Fact of the Day:

The Beatles 1966 hit ‘Yesterday’ has been covered more times than any other song ever written. However, the song’s original title was ‘Scrambled Eggs’.

I am glad its not called scrambled eggs.



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

16th and 17th Day of Chemo

Yesterday I didn't write a post because by the time I was ready to, I was falling asleep and just couldn't focus. Nothing really bad happened yesterday. I didn't have any really bad side effects but wasn't really feeling the best either. It was just a blah day.

Today though started off blah and it ended with me feeling quite bad. I am finding it harder and harder to eat. I have had waves of nausea off and on all day.

There is good news! The nausea is being controlled fairly well by the meds. I know I could feel better but after this week it will start to get much better. Though one thing to note is that the chemo room was the busiest I have ever seen it. I mean there was barely any seats when we walked in and it stayed that way the entire time. I'm just glad this week is halfway over. I can't wait for this ordeal to be over so I can just go back to normal.

Monday, June 24, 2013

15th Day of Chemo

Today was a fairly decent day. I didn't throw up, my immune system was intact so I could start chemo, and I got my boob felt up by one of the nurses. It was funny because she was trying to open one of the stoppers up so the chemo could flow. Instead she got a handful of manboob and we all got a huge laugh from it. Other then that the day was uneventful. Which is good news to me. I haven't felt the best but not the worst. I was also able to eat today and I am going to enjoy that while it lasts! But I have to say that this day was made easier to deal with because I have my beautiful Mel with me. And as much as she drives me crazy, I love her and she is the best.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 7 Weekend

So I haven't posted in awhile and I am sorry for that. If I haven't posted something that day then more times than not, it means nothing has happened.

This past weekend has been an amazing weekend. On Friday I got my blood tested and found out that I have a fully intact immune system! Which meant I could actually have a normal(ish) weekend and see people!

It was great to be normal again and not stuck inside my house like I have been for the past weeks. So Mel and myself decided to go up to my apartment for the weekend. On the way up we stopped by Mel's old host family's house to visit with them. It was good to see them. After that I dropped Mel off at her friends and I went up to my apartment and unpacked.

That night after I picked Mel back up, we had dinner at William's and Bros and met up with some of our friends afterwards. It was good to see people again and hang out with everyone. I had forgotten how much I missed hanging out with my friends. It must mean I have completely lost my mind (the little bit I had left that is) sitting at home everyday. So that was all on Friday.

Saturday we had decided to fit even more in. First we had lunch with my grandma and dad. It was good to see my grandma. I always just worry about her. We went to Pasta Bella and it was amazing. Afterwards I was became incredibly tired and felt very drained, so I had a nap. If I hadn't done that, I'm not sure how long I would have lasted before I passed out standing up. It was good nap and I felt like I had plenty of energy to go to my friends birthday pool party.

The pool party was a lot of fun because I got to see even more of friends and catch up with a lot of people. The only thing that could have made it better is if I could have gotten into the water and gone swimming. Oh well, summer isn't over yet and when I'm done with chemo, and I'm able to, I'm going to go swimming. Anyways, after the party we had some company come over to my apartment and just hung out for the rest of the night. It was a good time, and I can't wait until I can go back up and see everyone again.

To top the weekend off, I got to meet one of my oldest friend's new born. It was weird to think I was holding his baby, but she was an incredibly cute baby.

But I think the best thing about this weekend is that I got to spend it with my love Mel! I've missed her when she had gone back across the pond, and I'm so happy that I got to spend this weekend before starting my treatment again with her.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 7 Wednesday

Well its has been a little weird not going to chemo this week, but nice at the same time. Really really nice. I have to say I have been feeling really good. Too bad my white blood cell count is to low for me to really do anything. But my Mel flew in last night! Which has been amazing. I have missed her so much. So I have been happy all day.

Its Mel, its been lovely being back with David, and I got here in the end. I was held by customs for about two hours, but they were just doing their jobs... Hopefully my brain will start to function again soon!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 7 Monday

Well today was suppose to be my 15th day of chemo. But since my white blood counts where still low the doctor decided to post pone this week to hopefully next week. So I get a week break from it. Though tomorrow we find out if I still have to go in and take one of the chemo drugs (the bleomycin) on Wednesday.  Which isn't honestly a bad thing because that drug hasn't effected me like the others have. Now the bad news of the day is that this morning when we got to doctors office, I threw up before we even got through the front door. It just came on really suddenly. What had happened is that I have been feeling a lot of anxiety when I just think about my last full week of chemo. This led to me feeling nausea every time I even thought about taking chemo. So when we got to the doctors office, it just kind of caught up with me and well that was that.

Now I want to end on a happy note. That happy note is that my lovely Mel is coming back tomorrow! I seriously can't wait to see her again. I just wish I could actually go to the airport to pick her up.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 6 Saturday

So I haven't posted in a few days, and that's because nothing has really been going on. I've been basically sitting at home doing just about nothing. Honestly the only thing I've been doing is playing my PS3 and watching tv. I've been eating fine and feeling alright. Just going stir crazy at home. I'm not looking forward to Monday though. It will be my last full week of chemo, which is good but I'm really not looking forward to all the side effects. Oh well, it will be over soon enough. After this next week it can only get better.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

14th Day of Chemo

Well today was my 14th treatment of chemo and it wasn't that bad. I didn't throw up, and just been tired all day. With a massive headache but I can't take anything for that. That's because my white blood cell counts is once again really low. So now I have to monitor my temperature and stay at home away from everyone. I can't wait until all of this is over. But good news is that I'm 2/3rds the way done with this whole process. Woo! Also one of my oldest friends had a baby today and became a father. So congrades to them!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 6 Tuesday

I know I haven't posted anything in a few days. But nothing has really been happening. I have been feeling good and been resting at home. Though today I went to a ears, nose, and throat doctor to make sure the ringing in my ears hasn't caused hearing lost. Good news is that I am still hearing within the normal hearing range. Kind of bad news is that because of one of the chemo drugs I could have a permanent ringing in my ears. But its only a possibility and even if it isn't a permanent thing it can still effect me over a year later. Other then that I have my next chemo session tomorrow. Then next week its my last week long session of chemo. So I can't wait to have this all behind me. But anyways until tomorrow, goodnight people of the interwebs.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Week 5 Saturday

Hey everyone, first off sorry for not posting anything yesterday. Nothing really happened and by the time I realized I need to write a post I was to tired to. But today was a really good day. Woke up feeling a little weird but by lunch I was feeling basically normal. So I decided to come up to Marietta and visit with some friends. It was good because I got hang out with one of fraternity brothers that is moving back to Canada. We went shooting and that was fun until one of the employees came to talk to us in the range. Apparently there was a rule in the rifle part of the range that you have to wait a full 2 seconds between firing each round. I was shooting my friends A.R. and didn't know this so I just fired 3 rounds off without thinking. So when this guy came in he started telling me that I can't do that which is fine. But what wasn't fine is that he thought I was some guy who had been coming in and shooting for the past several weeks that has been ignoring that rule. And he started having a go at me about coming in last week and getting warned then too. When I said that I had never been shooting at that range before he just ignored me and repeated himself. So I asked him how I could have been here last week when I was miles away sitting in a chemo room, then reiterated the fact that I had never shot there before. At this point he still didn't believe me which pissed me off to no end. He finally realized after I explained to him again that there was no way I could have been coming in over and over to shot there that I was telling the truth. But still no apology he just said that if I broke the rule again that I would never be allowed in the store again and stormed off.

But the day did end on a good note. I got to go to my fraternity brothers party and see a lot of my friends there. It was a good time and I was able to catch up with a lot of people. It was fun.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

13th Day of Chemo and the Week 5 Thursday

Yesterday was my 13th treatment of chemo and it wasn't the best but not the worst either. It started off alright but ended badly. In the morning I went to chemo and it was the busiest I had ever seen them. When the nurses finally was able to get to me it took 30 minutes to take blood. They couldn't take it from my port and ended up having to stick me instead. Which wasn't the worst part of the whole trip. The worst part was at the end of my visit when they did the final flush it made me throw up. It was horrid, but on the bright side I felt better afterwards. That afternoon after we got back, I was feeling alright just extremely tired. Around dinner time I started feeling bad and that feeling kept getting worse as time went on. By the time I went to bed I was feeling horrid and I ended up throwing up again just before going to sleep.

Today I woke up still feeling fairly bad. But as the day went out I started feeling better and better. I just hope it lasts.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Week 5 Tuesday

Today has been a fairly good day. It started off though going to the doctors to get my throat checked out. I have been feeling like there is something in the back of my throat and today that feeling has been making me gag. Just randomly too, I will be feeling just fine but then out of the blue it feels like I will be gagging on something. Then it will just stop and I will feel fine. So I got it checked out and found out that I have thrush again. But this time its spread down my throat before it was realized. Good news is that I was already prescribed the mouthwash to fix it all. Just takes times.

Anyways, tomorrow I go back in so I can receive more chemo. Woo chemo! I'm going to be receiving bleomycin which hasn't had to many side effects on me. Which I can't be happy enough about.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Week 5 Monday

Well today has been a fairly decent one. I was able to eat my lunch and dinner without any of it coming back up. Which is always good in my book. But there is some bad news of today. All day long I have had this feeling in my throat like something was sitting there. So I had my mom look down my throat after dinner. She saw that I had some sores going down into my throat. We called it into the doctors office and now I have to go in tomorrow morning so they can look at it. So that is all I have for today, I will let you know what the doc says tomorrow about my throat.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

12th Day of Chemo and the Sunday After

Well yesterday (Saturday 6/1) was by far the worst day of chemotherapy I have had. Instead of the doctors office where I normally have chemo, I had to go to the hospital. (Because it was Saturday). That morning I already wasn't feeling the greatest and when we where there it took them forever to get the treatment ready. Also the nurse that was taking care of me didn't like to be patient and listen to us. So when they did my first flush I threw up because she wouldn't let me get ready for it. After a little bit I tried eating and that just ended in me actually throwing up. Which was the first time that has happened while I have been receiving the chemo. So the nurses had to call the doctor to get me more nausea meds, but when she came to give me the nausea meds she didn't listen to us once again. So in the processes of giving me the anti-nausea meds I nearly threw up again. But luckily enough when we got home I started to feel better, though I was hardly able to really eat anything. My uncle came over to stay the night also and he brought steak with him! Which I was actually able to keep down! It was the best part of the day.

Then today I woke up feeling alright, but as the day wore on I started feeling worse and worse. I threw up about mid afternoon. It wasn't pleasant but after that I was able to keep some food down. Once that happened I started feeling a lot better. By dinner I was even able to eat a whole meal and not feel nausea afterwards!

Now I hope that this keeps up until tomorrow. If it does I am hoping to be able to eat multiple meals without throwing up and feel normal afterwards!

Friday, May 31, 2013

11th Day of Chemo

Well today has by far been the one of the worst. Haven't been able to really eat, and it seems like when I do eat its these icy juice thing. I just feel horrid and I just can't wait until I get tomorrows chemo over. Even after multiple nausea pills I still feel bad. That's all I really have to say today. I just hope tomorrow is better.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

10th Day of Chemo

Today started off good but has ended with me not being able to really eat. I was feeling alright until about an hour into the chemo. Since then I have been hit with waves of nausea off and on. Nothing really seems to help and this means that I haven't really been able to eat very much. It seems like the only thing that was helping me not feel like my insides want to come out was either the really good nausea meds or the steroids. Either way I can't wait until Saturday when I get them so I can feel a little normal again. I can't wait until all of this is just over.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

9th Day of Chemo

Today was my 9th day of actual chemo. Its also the 2nd day of the 2nd full week of said chemo. And so far its going much better than this point of the 1st full week. I haven't had to take a nausea pill yet!!! (Knock on wood). Though I'm still incredible tired and have some bad acid reflux. But compared to that nausea I felt 3 weeks ago, I can deal with that like it was a walk in the park. So I can't really complain about.

But I do have some sad news today. My lovely Mel had to go back to Britishland today. It sucked because I couldn't even take her to the airport since I was stuck in a chemo chair. But we decided to not be sad about this because she will be back in 2 and 1/2 weeks! And I can't wait for those weeks to be up.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

8th Day of Chemo

Today was the start of my 2nd full week of chemotherapy. It went a little better then my 1st day of chemo but only because I haven't needed any anti nausea meds yet. Though my stomach hasn't been feeling fantastic and about late afternoon I just became incredibly tired. It just hit me really fast. But on the bright side my time at the chemo room wasn't to boring (though very very long). Got to meet a guy going through his 2nd time with chemo and the nurses where all in a fairly good mood.

Its also my 4 year anniversary with my lovely girlfriend Mel! Last night I apparently slept walked and was a little rude to Mel, but I don't remember it so it didn't really happen :P. On a serious note, I love you Mel and I'm looking forward to spending the years to come with you.

For the pictures of the day I have two. Mel and my mom went out for a little bit today so I sent them the top picture and the decided to send the bottom one back. I love them.

(Mel & Mom: We love you too)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 4 Monday

Well its week 4 of my chemo treatment. Which means that tomorrow I start my second 5 day straight chemo treatments. Woo! Not looking forward to it but just want to get it done. So it preparation to it I have spent the weekend relaxing with my beautiful Mel. We did basically nothing because I still can't go anywhere public for very long. Oh well it was still a great weekend. Came home today and had some good ribs before I won't have any apatite anymore.

On another note its weird not having any hair. My head is basically cold all the time in doors. I've gotten use to it but its still weird. So for the picture of the day here is one of my lovely girlfriend and me.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Week 3 Saturday

Today was a good day. We went to see my grandma today and had lunch with her. It was a pretty good lunch, we had Publix subs and my grandma seemed to be doing good. When we got back to my apartment we decided to go ahead and take a razor to my head. It had gotten so patchy and it was just falling out by the chunks. So now I don't have to worry about it. Here is a picture of my beautiful noggin' below. It's so weird to have no hair. My head's cold.


Mel here, I think he looks cute. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 3 Friday

Today I got my blood tested to see how my immune system is holding up. It went up a little bit but not enough to be around big crowds or sick people. Which meant all of my plans kind of went out the window for the weekend. Though my weekend can still be salvaged a little bit because now I'm seeing my grandma tomorrow! She might be a stubborn old bird but I love her anyways.

On other news, my beard hair got so patchy that I had to shave it. I had a tan line where it once was and I miss it already. So here is a picture of me without my beard. Sexy isn't it? But I was cheered up today because my girlfriend brought down her old family that she worked for dog, Dudley. We went to the dog park today and it was nice to get out.

Hey y'all. Its Mel. I think he looks find with no beard. I am so happy we have Dudders this weekend, and Im looking forward to spending a little time in Marietta, I need to start packing anyway.

Love Mel

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Week 3 Thursday

Well it has been 2 days since I have had my last treatment, and it hasn't been too bad, side effects wise. I'm just tired and have had headaches. But no real major side effects. Which is always good news in my book. The only thing I can complain about it that its annoying that I can't go anywhere.

Tomorrow I find out though if my white blood cell count has gone up. If it has gone up then I can actually go out and do stuff this week! Woo!

Today though was interesting. I got to watch my crazy girlfriend attack some trees today. That was fun watch. And here is a picture of her going at it.

I didn't attack any trees, I simply pruned the tree so I wouldn't have to drive through it every time I come in to the freaking driveway! Plus, Im not working so I am pretty bored. Maybe I should start knitting again. 
Love y'all

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

7th Day of Chemo

Today was the 7th day I have had chemo. And it wasn't that bad of a day. Though I did get some bad news. Found out that my white blood cell was fairly low. Which isn't good and means I now can't go out for awhile. Other then that I have started losing my hair but not the hair on my head. No, I'm losing everything but that hair. Primarily my beard hair. It isn't a fun feeling, being able to pull your hair out without it hurting. I didn't think it would start this early either, but what can you do?

On the plus side I haven't had too many side effects from todays session. Just some headaches and that's it. For the pic of the day here is me just waiting for my chemo to get hooked up. Complete with a thinning beard, that may or may not have a bald patch in it.

Hey, its Mel.

It is thinning, I don't know if I have dog hair, cat hair or davids hair on me. Oddly they are all a similar colour. yes, colour with a U.

Anyway.. We are going back to the Doctors on Friday to see if his white blood cell count is up, if so we may be seeing some of you this weekend, and dad before you write a smart comment I will see you next thursday, not this weekend.

Love to all


Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 2 Thursday

I want to apologize to everyone. Last week I made the post below but for some reason forgot to press the publish button. Chemo brain eh?

Well I had another good day. Only had a little nausea before lunch but that went away after I ate lunch. Other then that I have been feeling basically normal and I won't have chemo again until next Tuesday so I'm thinking it's going to last until then. I am hoping so at least.

But since I have been feeling good I am not going to update my blog until after my chemo next Tuesday. Unless some of the side effects crop back up or something happens. So until then I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday and weekend.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 2 Wednesday

Today was a really good day. I didn't really have any side effects. In the morning I felt a little blah in the stomach area but after about an hour I was feeling as close to normal as I have ever felt since starting chemo. So lets hope this keeps up! And enjoy the pic below.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

6th Day of Chemo

Today was my 6th treatment of chemo and all I got was the bleomycin. It was also my only day of chemo this week. It started off good, I woke up feeling almost normal and felt that way until about mid day. After my treatment my stomach started feeling just horrid. It got better after lunch but by the end of the day I was just feeling exhausted and a little nausea

On the bright side I don't have the flu like symptoms that usually comes with bleomycin. With is a plus in my mind. One side effect that has been annoying me since Saturday night is the ringing in my ears. Talked to the nurses at chemo about it and as long as it gets less frequent by next week I should be fine.

No pic of me today even though compared to last week I have lost about 9 pounds. Instead here is a funny picture to lighten the mood.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 2 Monday

Overall today was a good day. It started off a little rough with my stomach deciding to feel weird and ick, but as the day went on I started feeling better and by dinner I was actually feeling up to going out to eat. We had pizza and it was amazing. Tomorrow I have my one day chemo for this week and I'm just happy that I had a good day before having the toxins pumped back in.

So like I said before tomorrow is my one day of chemo and I'm going to be getting just the bleomycin. It didn't make me feel too bad last week when I was given it, so I can only hope that it won't this week as well. Might even be able to go out and do something this week! I hope so.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day

Hey, Its Mel.

David's super tired today, he went for a little walk and it really knocked him for six (he's tired). So I'm writing a post. There isn't really very much to say. I made chicken soup, but he didn't feel like eating it. So we had grilled cheese, you can never go wrong with bread and cheese. No hot arms or odd side effects, just the expected ringing in the ears and fever.

Hope you all had a great mothers day.

I spent mine unpacking as I will be moving out of my au pair house and into David's before I go back to England for a short whilst because I have too, stupid visa stuff and then I will be back as a tourist in the middle of June. Fun eh?

Love to all


Saturday, May 11, 2013

My day off.

Its a day after my first week of chemo and it was a fairly good one. Didn't have really any nausea but did have some weird side effects. My most prominent side effect was acid reflux and a lot of shaking. But by far my weirdest was that I had hot arms. Just my arms and nothing else. We have no idea why either. As the day went on I began to feel better and better. I was even able to eat a whole meal today. It was great and would have been better if my taste buds hadn't decided to go a little off. Didn't think they would start changing this earlier but oh well.

That's really all I have for today. No sexy picture or anything exciting.

Hey, its Mel. today was great compared to the rest of the week. The steroids really helped and it was so lovely to not have to sit in a hospital for 5 hours today. Tomorrow's mother's day, so everyone please give their mum's a massive cuddle and tell them that they love them, and to check their breasts. Also, tell your dad's to check their balls. Love y'all.

Friday, May 10, 2013

5th Day of Chemo

Well today was the 5th day of my chemo treatment. Which means that I am through with my first full week of the toxins. And I have to say that I feel better than I did last night. But it took awhile for me to feel better. Partly because last night I had my first throwing up episode at 4.30 in the morning. I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but its not something I want to go through again. I was feeling just horrid all morning because of it. I didn't start to feel better until almost the end of chemo session today, they gave me some extra anti-nausea stuff. Since I got home the only side effects I have been having are acid reflux, some gas, and just a little bit of nausea, but that went away with some meds. This meant I was actually able to eat a little meal for dinner. And so far no more nausea after dinner. Lets just hope it keeps up.

So next week I only have one round of treatment on Tuesday, its the Bleomycin which only takes an hour but has the most side effects. Nevertheless I'm looking forward to my 3 day weekend lol. As chemo only last 48 hours, I should have a great monday.

Below is a pic of me again asleep in the chemo chair. I'm actually asleep and not just posing just fyi. Also give it up for the sexy hand of Mel. Oh yeah.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

4th Day of Chemo

Well, we are done with my 4th day of chemo and it hasn't been a very fun one. It started off when I woke up feeling like I was going to throw up, which is just a great way to wake up in the morning. Anyway, the feeling of nausea lasted until we got to the chemo room where I was able to get some stronger nausea meds. So I was finally able to eat something, even if it didn't last too long. Because after I had part of a sandwich that Mel brought me, I was back to feeling like I was going to throw up again. So the nurses gave me a drug that helped calm everything down, and put me right to sleep. It made me feel better when I woke. And when we got home I went back to sleep, just little a nap. Though when I woke for dinner, I just felt horrid all over. I got some new nausea pills that helped with that feeling, but I still felt completely drained. And my sinus glands in my neck have been bothering me ever since. If my glands in my neck haven't been so swollen then I think I wouldn't have felt so horrid all over. But what's done is done. I just hope I feel better in the morning.

Interesting fact: The chemo drugs only stay in your body for about 48 hours. Who knew?

And below is a pic of me taking a nap in the chemo room in my new snazzy shirt.

Hey, its Mel. So today really hasn't been the best day, and I am sure it won't won't be the worst, David really has been a trouper and we are all very proud of him. Tomorrow is another day and he will be getting steroids so he should feel better all over, he will probably have a red puffy face. Better than vomiting. We are all a little tired but its nearly the weekend. Love xo.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

3rd Day of Chemo

Well just got done with the third day of my chemo. Started off the day feeling better then I did yesterday. But  by the time I got home from the chemo treatment I just felt drained. So I took a nap and when I got up I have been feeling horrid. I have been feeling nauseated, and I was hardly able to eat dinner. And the nausea meds haven't help as much as the doctors say they would have. I just hope that they will give me something tomorrow to help with all of this.

But anyways today I had my lovely fiance Mel sitting with me today while I had chemo. As you can see from this yet another sexy picture.

Hey, this is Mel. David's feeling pretty bad. Very tired, groggy and generally bad. Hopefully he will feel better after a really long sleep, as he is so exhausted. We will update you all tomorrow.



Tuesday, May 07, 2013

2nd Day of Chemo

Well I got through my 2nd day of chemo. Today I got a drug called bleomycin which is just a fun drug. The nurses and doctor warned that this drug could cause me to have a fever, shakes, and more fun stuff that I don't remember off the top of my head. But luckily the only side effects I felt today was shaking and redness of the face. No fever or nausea yet. Oh, but I have had plenty of acid reflux off and on all day and I can't seem to get rid of these hiccups, it's been so annoying. Partly because it has made it hard to eat dinner when you might hiccup the food that is trying to go down. Overall though I think have felt better today than I did yesterday which has to count for something.

Anyways below I have attached another sexy picture of me in the chemo room. This time with a little less man boobies. But only a little.

Monday, May 06, 2013

1st Day of Chemo

Hello all,

So if you haven't heard or didn't know I have cancer. For the full story of what happened go look at the about me page. But anyways I had my first day of Chemo today. It was a weird experience. The nurses and everyone there was really friendly and helpful. Though I'm not going to lie, they hit me with a lot of information. I tried to remember it all but I'm sure I forgot something.

While I was there today I didn't really have any side effects besides a light headache for a little bit. But unfortunately when I got home I started feeling a bit nausea. Which is why they provided me with great little pills to help me with it. Other then that I have had acid re-flux off and on since I got back. I didn't think the side effects would start one day 1 but what can you do.

Anyways below is a picture of my first day there. Wish I had known I was sporting some lovely pair of man boobs but oh well.