Thursday, May 09, 2013

4th Day of Chemo

Well, we are done with my 4th day of chemo and it hasn't been a very fun one. It started off when I woke up feeling like I was going to throw up, which is just a great way to wake up in the morning. Anyway, the feeling of nausea lasted until we got to the chemo room where I was able to get some stronger nausea meds. So I was finally able to eat something, even if it didn't last too long. Because after I had part of a sandwich that Mel brought me, I was back to feeling like I was going to throw up again. So the nurses gave me a drug that helped calm everything down, and put me right to sleep. It made me feel better when I woke. And when we got home I went back to sleep, just little a nap. Though when I woke for dinner, I just felt horrid all over. I got some new nausea pills that helped with that feeling, but I still felt completely drained. And my sinus glands in my neck have been bothering me ever since. If my glands in my neck haven't been so swollen then I think I wouldn't have felt so horrid all over. But what's done is done. I just hope I feel better in the morning.

Interesting fact: The chemo drugs only stay in your body for about 48 hours. Who knew?

And below is a pic of me taking a nap in the chemo room in my new snazzy shirt.

Hey, its Mel. So today really hasn't been the best day, and I am sure it won't won't be the worst, David really has been a trouper and we are all very proud of him. Tomorrow is another day and he will be getting steroids so he should feel better all over, he will probably have a red puffy face. Better than vomiting. We are all a little tired but its nearly the weekend. Love xo.

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