Sunday, July 21, 2013

Update 7/21

Sorry I haven't update the blog in a while. Everything has been going good. Last week I had to go to different doctor's every day (well, just 3 different doctors) for check-up's last week. I'm happy to report that they all said I was fine.

I just can't wait for the week of August 5th to come around, I get my scan on the 5th and the result on the 8th. Then we can hopefully get the "All Clear". My immune system is finally back to a level where I am able to be social. I'm still very tired but I don't have to be so paranoid about been sneezed on.

I was so happy I was finally able to get out of the house. Last night we went over to our family friends from Sweden's house. They moved in about a 3 weeks ago. They made Bosnian food and it was delicious. It was also lovely to see my aunt and uncle. Mel already had plans so she couldn't join us but we are going on a date night tonight :).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Doctors Appointment 7/15

Well today we went to go see Dr. Freeman today and found out that we have to wait a month to do my first scan to see if the chemo worked or not. Which sucks but we got it scheduled for the 5th of August and then we see the doctor on the 8th to find out the results of the scan. Not going to lie I'm a little bummed that I have to wait that long but the doctor said that was the only way to get accurate results. Also I found out that I am going to have to go back and get a scan done and see the doctor every month for the next 12 months. Which I didn't realize I would have to do but its the only way to make sure it really worked.

Also this was suppose to be posted yesterday but my internet decided to stop working when I wanted to post it and didn't start working again until the morning. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just an update

Hey, Its Mel

David's been really tired and hasn't really had anything to write about, tomorrow we go and see Dr Freedman and then we can plan when he will get a scan etc. We will keep you updated as soon as we know :).

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday 7/12

Well its been two days since my last day of chemo and I have been tired. I haven't been able to do anything either because my immune system is down. So I have just been sitting around my house going a little crazy. And I'm still incredibly tired by the end of the day. Hopefully by Monday I won't feel so drained and my immune system will be back up.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


So today was my last day of chemotherapy and it feels great to be done. Even though I threw up twice at the  chemo room. We think that was because of a mixture of nerves and excitement. Other then that today hasn't been to bad. Just been really tired and feeling a bit drained. Also found out that my white blood cells are really low. So I can't really do anything for a while which is fairly annoying. Oh well, I can't wait until we get these scans scheduled so I can find out if all of this chemo worked. Until then I am just hanging out at home.

Monday, July 08, 2013

My Weekend after the 4th of July

I haven't posted anything since the 4th of July because I have been feeling really good and we have been busyish. On Friday (July 5th) we took our family friends from Sweden kids to the movies. To get them out of the house so their parents can get things set up in their new house. Afterwards we went over and had dinner with our close friends and ended up watching a movie with them too. Over all it was a great day.

On Saturday (July 6th) it was great because we did nothing all day long. Just sat on the couch and watched tv. Just my beautiful Mel and me. And that night we went over to our friends Ben's house for his birthday party. We had an amazing time there. 

Sunday (July 7th) was a fairly easy day. All we did was go home. We took our time going back and just relaxed some more when we did get home. 

Today Monday (July 8th) was my Aunts birthday so we went over to their house for dinner. Its really all we did today. 

Thursday, July 04, 2013

4th of July

Happy Independents Day everyone. Today has been a good day. We went over to my uncles house to start off our celebrations. There we also saw some friends from Sweden that we haven't seen in a long time and just enjoyed spending time with my family. Had some great food there too. Afterwards we went over to some friends house and hung out with them. We played a few games and shot off a few fire works, just having a good time. Now I'm watching TV with my amazing Mel enjoying the rest of evening.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

20th Day of Chemo

Well today was my next to last treatment. Next week will be my last and I can't wait. But anyways my day started off late last night really. I had woken up with diarrhea and puking my guts out. We think that I tried to eat to rich of foods to fast. So this morning I wasn't feeling the best. But the chemo session went like normal even though I threw up at the end of it. Its taken all day but I'm finally feeling better. I hope I am still feeling good for the 4th of July!

Monday, July 01, 2013

Week 9 Monday

Today was a fairly good day. I have been feeling very tired all day though. All day I have just had waves where I feel just incredibly drained. But I did get out a little bit today with my beautiful Mel. We just went to hobby lobby but it was still good get out. So I don't really have much to say today. Just been tired, went to hobby lobby, and bumped into some friends at Walmart. That's about it.