Wednesday, June 26, 2013

16th and 17th Day of Chemo

Yesterday I didn't write a post because by the time I was ready to, I was falling asleep and just couldn't focus. Nothing really bad happened yesterday. I didn't have any really bad side effects but wasn't really feeling the best either. It was just a blah day.

Today though started off blah and it ended with me feeling quite bad. I am finding it harder and harder to eat. I have had waves of nausea off and on all day.

There is good news! The nausea is being controlled fairly well by the meds. I know I could feel better but after this week it will start to get much better. Though one thing to note is that the chemo room was the busiest I have ever seen it. I mean there was barely any seats when we walked in and it stayed that way the entire time. I'm just glad this week is halfway over. I can't wait for this ordeal to be over so I can just go back to normal.

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