Monday, November 11, 2013

In Remission!

Yes, I am finally in remission! I am sorry I haven't updated this sooner because I have been in remission for a few weeks now. But I did get the best news that any cancer patient could get! I still have to get monthly check ups for awhile but I have to say being in remission feels like a huge pressure off my shoulders. I just want to thank all of my supporters and an extra big thank you/hug to my mom, dad, and Mel for always being there with me through the whole thing. I can't thank everyone enough!  

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Update from the last few weeks


I know I haven't posted in awhile, I have been trying to get back to 'normal'.

Last thing I posted was that I had to have a PET scan. Well I had that, it wasn't fun. I had to sit with my arms above my head for about 40 mins and the pillow fell down after about 15 mins. We waited a week then went to the doctor. The PET scan showed some activity. A little crescent shape in the top of the biggest lymph node showed activity. They are unsure if this is simply showing the lymph node healing or if it is still cancer.

So my Doctor spoke to Dr Einhorn (, he is apperently the go-to guy when it comes to testicular cancer. He asked for everything to be sent up to him for him analyse. He thinks that the next step will be an operation but before we rush into a serious operation we are hoping to do another PET scan. Apparently the insurance company doesn't like paying for more the one P.E.T. scan over a set period time, but we could fight the insurance for this next scan. Or we pay for it out of pocket. Either way we still have to wait a month for that.

Ah, I forgot to mention that this surgery to remove the lymph nodes is super risky and it can damage nerve ends and guess which ones? Yep the ones that control my penis.. Wooo. This operation is tricky that we would have to travel to Indianapolis, Indiana to get it done. Its still a waiting game. I was so mad after this doctors visit.  I was incredibly mad after the last doctors visit. I just didn't expect or was ready for the "I don't know" results.

We went back again today, and once again nothing. I guess we will be going back again next week.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Update 8/8 and 8/11

Well I haven't post on here in a long time but we have been busy. A lot has happened though. Mel and I went on vacation to New Orleans. It was so much fun! We did a fair bit of stuff there but the biggest thing that happened is when we had stopped in Mobile for 2 nights on the way back. On the 2nd night we went to a restaurant that was way to fancy for us. We stayed anyways though, and sat behind these really nice couple. We got to talking with them and somehow got onto the topic of cancer. The ladies dad had survived it and they actually ended up paying for our meal. They where that touched by our story. It just nice to know that there are still amazing people that are willing to do something nice for total strangers.

 Today we found out about the scans that I had this past Monday. And the scans showed that the cancer in my lymph nodes has gone down a lot. Unfortunately they weren't small enough to say that the treatment worked. It was close though and because of that I am having to so through another scan next Thursday. Its going to be a P.E.T. scan and we found out the results the following Wednesday. So its not good news but not terrible news either.

Now I realize this isn't 8/8 anymore. Its 8/11 and I just forgot about this. I thought I had published it but didn't really get to it. Anyways we have been busy since the 8th clean the house and getting it ready to sell. We already have a family interested (they actually contacted us before we even thought about putting it on the market.) Also tomorrow is my birthday! So today we had a little get together with my family and family friends at my uncles house for my birthday. It was also suppose to be a family cancer free party but we hadn't gotten that good news yet. (And I still hope to have a cancer free party with all of my fraternity brothers and friends! Just need to get the good news first)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Update 7/21

Sorry I haven't update the blog in a while. Everything has been going good. Last week I had to go to different doctor's every day (well, just 3 different doctors) for check-up's last week. I'm happy to report that they all said I was fine.

I just can't wait for the week of August 5th to come around, I get my scan on the 5th and the result on the 8th. Then we can hopefully get the "All Clear". My immune system is finally back to a level where I am able to be social. I'm still very tired but I don't have to be so paranoid about been sneezed on.

I was so happy I was finally able to get out of the house. Last night we went over to our family friends from Sweden's house. They moved in about a 3 weeks ago. They made Bosnian food and it was delicious. It was also lovely to see my aunt and uncle. Mel already had plans so she couldn't join us but we are going on a date night tonight :).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Doctors Appointment 7/15

Well today we went to go see Dr. Freeman today and found out that we have to wait a month to do my first scan to see if the chemo worked or not. Which sucks but we got it scheduled for the 5th of August and then we see the doctor on the 8th to find out the results of the scan. Not going to lie I'm a little bummed that I have to wait that long but the doctor said that was the only way to get accurate results. Also I found out that I am going to have to go back and get a scan done and see the doctor every month for the next 12 months. Which I didn't realize I would have to do but its the only way to make sure it really worked.

Also this was suppose to be posted yesterday but my internet decided to stop working when I wanted to post it and didn't start working again until the morning. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just an update

Hey, Its Mel

David's been really tired and hasn't really had anything to write about, tomorrow we go and see Dr Freedman and then we can plan when he will get a scan etc. We will keep you updated as soon as we know :).

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday 7/12

Well its been two days since my last day of chemo and I have been tired. I haven't been able to do anything either because my immune system is down. So I have just been sitting around my house going a little crazy. And I'm still incredibly tired by the end of the day. Hopefully by Monday I won't feel so drained and my immune system will be back up.